Removal of Interlined Routes – September 1, 2019

To reduce confusion and simplify route identification beginning September 1, 2019 routes will no longer be identified as ‘interlined’. For some routes they will be identified by the lower number of the formerly multi-numbered route.  Others will operate independently, with many of these seeing route or frequency changes. See how your route may be affected:

Current Route

New Naming Convention & Route Information


5– Operating between Argyle Mall and Byron


3– Operating between Argyle Mall and Downtown


9C will be eliminated.  6 & 9 will operate as independent routes during all time periods with Route 9 always travelling to downtown


7– Operating between Argyle Mall and Westmount Mall


10– Operating between Natural Science/Masonville Mall and Huron at Barker


15– Operating between Westmount Mall and Huron at Oakville


19 will now connect with the current Route 38/39 and be called Route 19 for the entire route


27– Operating between Fanshawe College and Capulet Lane via Huron, Kipps Lane and Western University


31– will operate independently between the Hyde Park Power Centre and Alumni Hall.

Route 32 will be eliminated


34– Proving two-way service between Masonville Mall and Western University, serving Ambleside, Sunningdale and Richmond, Northridge, Grenfell, Windermere and Doon. 


102– northbound on Western/Whancliife; southbound on Richmond

106– northbound on Richmond; southbound on Western/Wharncliife