Meeting #2




Those present were

Mrs. Sheryl Rooth – Chair

Mr. Phil Squire – Vice Chair

Mr. Jesse Helmer – Commissioner

Mr. Tariq Khan – Commissioner

Mrs. Tanya Park – Commissioner

Also present were

Mrs. Kelly Paleczny – General Manager

Mrs. Katie Burns – Director of Planning

Mrs. Joanne Galloway – Director of Human Resources

Mr. Mike Gregor – Director of Finance

Mr. Craig Morneau – Director of Fleet & Facilities

Mr. Shawn Wilson – Director of Operations

Mrs. Caroline Roy – Secretary

Meeting to order The Chair called the meeting to order.
Completion and

Acceptance of


The Chair called for acceptance of the agenda as amended, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mr. Squire the acceptance of the agenda as amended. CARRIED.

of Pecuniary Interest

The Chair called for disclosures of pecuniary interest with respect to the agenda as amended. There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Minutes Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the minutes of the meeting held on January 30, 2019 be APPROVED. CARRIED.
Strategic Assessment of LTC Facility Needs and Path Forward The Commission received a presentation from Chris Prentice, IBI Group re Strategic Assessment of LTC Facility Needs and Path Froward report, copy attached, Mrs. Park motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission:

i) APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the Strategic Assessment of LTC Facility Needs and Path Forward;

ii) DIRECT administration to utilize the Path Forward as input into the preparation of multi-year Operating and Capital budgets which will include the identification of sources of funding; and

iii) DIRECT administration to report back on an implementation plan with respect to the Highbury facility.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Five Year Conventional Service Plan Framework – 2020-2024 The Commission received a presentation from Dennis Kar, Dillon Consulting re Five Year Conventional Service Plan Framework – 2020-2024 report, copy attached, Mrs. Park motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission:

i) APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the Conventional Service Plan – 2020-2024;

ii) DIRECT administration to utilize the Plan as a framework for future Service Plans; and

iii) DIRECT administration to utilize the Plan as input into the preparation of multi-year Operating and Capital budgets which will include the identification of sources of funding.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


London Transit Five Year Ridership Growth Strategy The Commission received a presentation from Yuval Grinspun and Matt Lattavo, Left Turn Right Turn re London Transit Five Year Ridership Growth Strategy report, copy attached, Mrs. Rooth motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the re-introduction of a transit pass to eligible individuals within the Ontario Works be removed from the list of initiatives in the Ridership Growth Strategy.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Mr. Squire moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the Commission:

i) APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the Five Year Ridership Growth Strategy;

ii) DIRECT administration to include initiatives identified in the Strategy in the 2020-2024 Business Plan and associated annual work programs; and

iii) DIRECT administration to utilize the Growth Strategy as input into the preparation of multi-year Operating and Capital budgets which will include the identification of sources of funding.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Draft 2019-2022 Business Plan With regard to the Draft 2019-2022 Business Plan report, copy attached, Mr. Khan motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the draft Business Plan statements as set out below:

Vision Statement

The valued and trusted mobility choice for Londoners

Mission Statement

Moving Londoners – progressively, reliably and affordably

Guiding Principles

Fiscal Accountability – ensuring efficient and effective use of investment – supporting sustainable growth while promoting positive social, economic and environmental benefits

Valued and Respected Community Partner – being a valued and trusted partner, working collaboratively on shared vision, effort and success

Open and Transparent – participating in open and honest communication with all stakeholders in a clear and timely manner

Engaged and Diverse Workplace – attracting, developing, supporting and retaining exceptional individuals resulting in a dynamic and diverse workplace

Innovative – fostering a culture of continuous improvement, including the effective use of resources and technology

Customer Focused – striving every day to improve the customer experience

Reliable Infrastructure – acquiring and effectively maintaining environmentally friendly infrastructure in support of the consistent delivery of a quality service

Strategic Outcomes

An Integrated, affordable and valued mobility choice

Engaged, diverse and respectful workplace

Demonstrated fiscal accountability

Being open, transparent and understood

Effective utilization of infrastructure

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Commission Work Programs – 2018 (Status) and 2019 (Draft) With regard to the Commission Work Programs – 2018 (Status) and 2019 (Draft) report, copy attached, Mr. Khan motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the direction of the draft 2019 Work Program as set out in Enclosure I.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2018 Attendance and Disability Management Programs With regard to the 2018 Attendance and Disability Management Programs report, copy attached, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mr. Squire, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Date of Next


The Commission confirmed the date of the next meeting as follows:

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

In Camera Session Consistent with the provision of Section 239 of the Municipal Act, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission move In Camera to CONSIDER:

1) A matter pertaining to reports, advice and recommendations of officers and employees of the Commission concerning labour relations and employee negotiations in regard to the Commission’s union, including communications necessary for that purpose and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Commission.

2) Personnel matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees.


At the In Camera session, the Commission met to CONSIDER:

1) A matter pertaining to reports, advice and recommendations of officers and employees of the Commission concerning labour relations and employee negotiations in regard to the Commission’s union, including communications necessary for that purpose and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Commission.

2) Personnel matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees.

Pursuant to procedural requirement of Section 239 of the Municipal Act the Commission REPORTED PROGRESS on:

1) A matter pertaining to reports, advice and recommendations of officers and employees of the Commission concerning labour relations and employee negotiations in regard to the Commission’s union, including communications necessary for that purpose and for the purpose of providing instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Commission.

2) Personnel matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees.


Adjournment Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm


Sheryl Rooth – Chair


Caroline Roy – Secretary