Your Safety is our Priority
All LTC employees continue to maintain the standards of quality service and concern for our customer’s safety.
Courtesy stops – Rider requested Courtesy Stops along LTC routes where safety permits
Customers are asked to use LTC bus stops whenever possible, however, if requested and it is safe to do so, Operators will discharge or pick up customers between stops particularly during hours of darkness (morning or evening) or in the event that the customer(s) safety and/or health may be jeopardized. Operators are required to use discretion when doing so, taking into consideration weather and traffic conditions, and safety. If the area is not deemed a safe place to stop, Operators will indicate this to the customer and make a stop at the nearest safe location on the route. Please note that on Express routes, due to their limited-stop nature, Operators shall only perform courtesy stops in emergency situations.
On-board Safety – On-board audio-video surveillance and ability for drivers to contact the police
Operators can notify the London Police Services via LTC Dispatch if need be.
In addition, LTC vehicles are equipped with digital recording devices intended both as a deterrent to acts of vandalism/violence, and also for investigative purposes in the event of incidents occurring on the vehicle.
Community Safety – With close to 200 buses on the road, LTC has many eyes on the community to assist when needed.
LTC plays a far greater role in community safety than that provided while customers are on-board the vehicle. Londoners should utilize LTC buses as a safe haven should they be in a threatening situation, or to flag down an LTC Operator if they are in need of immediate assistance where their safety is being threatened.
Incident Reporting – Report any suspicious or threatening activities to drivers and/or call 911
To report any other concerns, please email ltc@londontransit.ca or, during business hours, please call Customer Service at 519-451-1347 select option ‘0’ to speak to a representative who will assist you.
System safety and security is everyone’s responsibility – see something, say something. Concerns can be reported to bus Operators.
Remember – in the case of an emergency, call 911 immediately.