Communication #1 – Email from Sheryl Rooth, Chair, dated October 16, 2018 re LTC Information Session for new Council Members

Communication #1

October 31, 2018

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October 16, 2018


With the election of a new mayor and city council members and the increased focus on transit, it seems prudent to ensure that those new to the roles are apprised of the practices and policies of the London Transit Commission and that those incumbent councillors be offered the opportunity for a refresher should they choose it.

I would request staff compile an updated resource book on the LTC, including Paratransit services. This resource book should include our Industrial Strategy and the progress made so far as well as a copy of the Voice of the Customer survey results, the updated Travel Safe program. The 2019-2035 framework, our social media platforms and a list of 2019 meetings, with direction on how to find agendas and reports on the LTC website. As well as any other resources the Commission and senior management team feel relevant. This should be made available for the beginning of January 2019.

In addition to this resource, I would request that facility tours followed by a question and answer session with the senior management team be held for interested council members at the Highbury Ave location no later than the end of January 2019.

I believe the more information we can make accessible to our new council, the greater the understanding will be on how transit is facilitated in London and where we are heading for the future.


Sheryl Rooth

Chair, London Transit Commission