Meeting #3




Those present were

Mrs. Sheryl Rooth – Chair

Mr. Phil Squire – Vice Chair

Mr. Jesse Helmer – Commissioner

Mr. Tariq Khan – Commissioner

Mrs. Tanya Park – Commissioner

Also present were

Mrs. Kelly Paleczny – General Manager

Mrs. Katie Burns – Director of Planning

Mrs. Joanne Galloway – Director of Human Resources

Mr. Mike Gregor – Director of Finance

Mr. Craig Morneau – Director of Fleet & Facilities

Mr. Shawn Wilson – Director of Operations

Mrs. Caroline Roy – Secretary

Meeting to order The Chair called the meeting to order.
Completion and

Acceptance of


The Chair called for acceptance of the agenda as amended, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the acceptance of the agenda as amended. CARRIED.

of Pecuniary Interest

The Chair called for disclosures of pecuniary interest with respect to the agenda as amended. There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Minutes Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the minutes of the meeting held on February 27, 2019 be APPROVED. CARRIED.
2018 Draft Auditors’ Report The Commission received a presentation from Melissa Redden, KPMG re the 2018 Draft Auditors’ report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Kahn, the Commission:

i) TABLE the draft financial statements, as attached, noting the only outstanding audit requirement relates to the finalization of an Actuarial Report pertaining to Non-Pension Post-Retirement and Post-Employment Benefit Plans by Mercer; and

ii) DIRECT administration to present, at a future meeting, the final audited statements

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2018 Draft Pension Fund Audit The Commission received a presentation from Melissa Redden, KPMG re the 2018 Draft Pension Fund Audit report, copy attached, Mr. Squire moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission:

i) TABLE the draft financial statements, as attached, relating to the non-insured pension fund as at December 31, 2018 noting the only outstanding audit requirement relates to the receipt of a required outstanding service organization report from Manulife; and

ii) DIRECT administration to present, at a future meeting, the final audited statements noting the final statements are to be forwarded to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario as required under the Pension Benefits Act.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Status of Reserves and Reserve Funds – December 31, 2018 With regard to the Status of Reserves and Reserve Funds – December 31, 2018 report, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Squire, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Communication from The Woodfield Community Association Board The Commission received a presentation from Sandra Black Evans, The Woodfield Community Association Board re proposed changes to Route 1, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the communication be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Presentation from Don Hopkins The Commission received a verbal presentation from Don Hopkins re proposed changes to Route 1, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the communication be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


1st Report Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee With regard to the 1st Report Accessible Public Transit Services Advisory Committee, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the communication be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2019 Service Plan – Conventional Transit With regard to the 2019 Service Plan – Conventional Transit report, copy attached, Mrs. Park motioned, seconded by Mr. Helmer, an amendment to the Route 1 recommendation be added:

It being noted that service to the Roundtree area will be revisited with the implementation of the BRT Corridor on Wellington Road

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park

NAYS: Mr. Squire


Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission APPROVE the Route 1 recommendation as amended as part of the 2019 Conventional Transit Service Plan for implementation in September 2019.

i. Route 1

a. Modify north end routing to operate on Colborne between Oxford and Cheapside

b. Remove service along Bond, Raywood, Fairview and Trevithen to instead operate along Wellington and Baseline north of Victoria Hospital

c. Modify routing to operate on Horton and Colborne when travelling southbound toward Grey St.

d. Adjust frequencies in the weekday PM peak and early evening periods, Saturday early AM and Sunday base and peak periods to right-size the service based on productivity

e. It being noted that service to the Roundtree area will be revisited with the implementation of the BRT Corridor on Wellington Road

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park

NAYS: Mr. Squire


With regard to the 2019 Service Plan – Conventional Transit report, copy attached, Mr. Kahn moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission APPROVE the additional 2019 Conventional Transit Service Plan recommendations as set out below for implementation in September 2019.

ii. Route 9

a. Modify route to operate along Limberlost and Blackacres to the Fanshawe and Wonderland intersection, removing service along Aldersbrook

b. Modify frequency during most time periods

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


With regard to the 2019 Service Plan – Conventional Transit report, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission APPROVE the additional 2019 Conventional Transit Service Plan recommendations as set out below for implementation in September 2019.

iii. Route 27/29

a. Modify routes to interline at Western University

iv. Route 27

a. Increase frequency during all time periods

b. Modify route to operate along Barker St. removing service from Briarhill

v. Route 29

a. Introduce summer and holiday service

b. Improve weekday frequency between 12 pm and 6 pm

c. Improve weekend frequency during all time periods

vi. Route 31

a. Operate along Aldersbrook to the Hyde Park Power Centre, removing service along Limberlost and Blackacres

b. Modify frequency during all time periods

c. Operate as a standalone route (removing interlines with Routes 19 and 32), terminating at Western University

vii. Route 32

a. Eliminate Route

viii. Route 38/39

a. Maintain service along Fanshawe Park Road, no longer serving the Masonville Place terminal

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


APTSAC Application With regard to the APTSAC Application report, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission ACCEPT the application for a position as a voting member on the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2022.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Recosted 2019 Budget Program With regard to the Recosted 2019 Budget Program report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the Commission APPROVE the recosted 2019 capital budget of $10,868,500 as summarized below noting the recosted budget reflects the previously approved 2019 capital budget program (Staff Report #2, August 29, 2018), updated pricing for 2019 bus replacement/expansion programs (Staff Report #2, November 28, 2018), and carry forward amounts relating to deferred or active 2018 capital projects.

2019 Recosted Capital Budget

 Source of Investment
Description  Capital Program Reserve  City of London  Federal Gas Tax  Provincial Gas Tax  Total
Stop Upgrades $ 37,000 $ –  $ – $ – $ 37,000
Service Fleet 40,000 40,000
Shop Equipment 200,000 200,000
Software and Hardware 390,000 210,000 600,000
Facility Upgrades 500,000 500,000
Bus Replacements (8) 2,224,800 1,500,000 1,023,200 4,748,000
Bus Expansion (1) 300,100 323,400 623,500
Fleet Radio Replacement 312,500 312,500 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000
Fare Processing Equipment 747,500 747,500 1,495,000
Smart Card Program 500,000 500,000
$ 667,000 $ 4,084,900 $ 1,500,000 $ 4,616,600 $ 10,868,500

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Contract Award – Diesel Fuel With regard to the APTSAC Application report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Kahn, the Commission:

(i) ACCEPT the low cost bid from Suncor for the supply and delivery of diesel fuel as specified in a related request for tender call; and

(ii) DIRECT administration to finalize contract details with Suncor in consultation with the Commission’s legal counsel, noting the contract will be in keeping with the tender submission.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, and Mrs. Park


Draft 2019-2022 Business Plan With regard to the Draft 2019-2022 Business Plan report, copy attached, Mr. Kahn moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the Commission APPROVE the draft 2019-2022 Business Plan

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2019 Commission Work Program With regard to the 2019 Commission Work Program report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Kahn, the Commission APPROVE the 2019 Work Program.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Voice of the Customer – 2018 Survey With regard to the Voice of the Customer – 2018 Survey report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the report be NOTED and FILED

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2018 Annual Service Performance Report – Conventional Transit Services With regard to the 2018 Annual Service Performance Report – Conventional Transit Services report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Kahn, the report be NOTED and FILED

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


2018 Annual Service Performance Report – Specialized Transit Services With regard to the 2018 Annual Service Performance Report – Specialized Transit Services report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Kahn, the report be NOTED and FILED

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Impact of 2019 Road Construction – Conventional Transit Services With regard to the Impact of 2019 Road Construction – Conventional Transit Services report, copy attached, Mr. Kahn moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the report be NOTED and FILED

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Additional Business – Impacts of Municipal Council Decisions With regard to the Additional Business – Impacts of Municipal Council Decisions verbal report, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the verbal report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Squire, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park


Date of Next Meeting The Commission confirmed the date of the next meeting as follows:

Wednesday April 24, 2019

Adjournment Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 6:30PM.


Sheryl Rooth – Chair


Caroline Roy – Secretary