Meeting #9
Those present were
Mrs. Sheryl Rooth – Chair
Mr. Phil Squire – Vice Chair
Mr. Jesse Helmer – Commissioner
Mr. Tariq Khan – Commissioner
Mrs. Tanya Park – Commissioner
Also present were
Mrs. Kelly Paleczny – General Manager
Mrs. Katie Burns – Director of Planning
Mrs. Joanne Galloway – Director of Human Resources
Mr. Mike Gregor – Director of Finance
Mr. Craig Morneau – Director of Fleet & Facilities
Mr. Shawn Wilson – Director of Operations
Mrs. Caroline Roy – Secretary
Meeting to order | The Chair called the meeting to order. |
Completion and
Acceptance of Agenda |
The Chair called for acceptance of the agenda as amended, Mr. Squire moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the acceptance of the agenda as amended. CARRIED. |
of Pecuniary Interest |
The Chair called for disclosures of pecuniary interest with respect to the agenda as amended. There were no conflicts of interest declared. |
Minutes | Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Squire, the minutes of the meeting held on September 25, 2019 be APPROVED. CARRIED. |
Letter from C. Saunders re Preliminary Assessment of Speed Limit Reduction on Public Transit | With regard to the Letter from C. Saunders, City Clerk, dated October 2, 2019 re Preliminary Assessment of Speed Limit Reduction on Public Transit, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Draft 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan | With regard to the Draft 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan report, copy attached, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the Commission:
i) APPROVE, in principle, the draft 2020 conventional service plan; ii) DIRECT administration to finalize the 2020 service plan, and forward a copy of the draft service plan report to Members of Council for their information; and iii) PRESENT the final 2020 service plan report and recommendations at the Commission’s January 31, 2020 meeting. YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan and Mrs. Park. OPPOSED: Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Preliminary Assessment of Speed Limit Reduction Impacts | With regard to the Preliminary Assessment of Speed Limit Reduction Impacts report, copy attached, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mr. Helmer, the Commission CONFIRM the following feedback be provided to civic administration with respect to the potential impacts of a reduced speed limit on area collectors to public transit services;
· The anticipated impact on the conventional transit service as the result of a reduction in speed limit on area collectors is significant. o The manner in which the issue is addressed will result in either significant operating and capital cost increases or significant negative impacts on service (the Route 15 example from this report will be included) · While not assessed, lower speed limits on area collectors are also likely to have an impact on the productivity of the specialized services, resulting in fewer trips per hour, and less ridership · A minimum of nine months’ notice (prior to the fall service implementation period) is required prior to the speeds being altered on area collectors in order to provide time for the affected schedules to be changed and implemented. In addition, should additional buses be required to undertake the changes, a minimum one year notice would be required. YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Voice of the Customer | With regard to the Voice of the Customer report, copy attached, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the Commission APPROVE the deferral of the 2019 Voice of the Customer Survey to 2020, subsequent to a review of the program including, but not limited to the timing and frequency of same.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
2019 Service Plan Update | With regard to the 2019 Service Plan Update report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Multi-Route Transit Stops | With regard to the Multi-Route Transit Stops report, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
2019 Work Program – Fleet & Facilities – Third Quarter Update | With regard to the 2019 Work Program – Fleet & Facilities – Third Quarter Update report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
2019 Work Program – Operations – Third Quarter Update | With regard to the 2019 Work Program – Operations – Third Quarter Update report, copy attached, Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Financial Update – Conventional Transit Services – Operating Budget – September 30, 2019 | With regard to the Financial Update – Conventional Transit Services – Operating Budget – September 30, 2019 report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – September 30, 2019 | With regard to the Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – September 30, 2019 report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Financial Update – Capital Budget Programs – September 30, 2019 | With regard to the Financial Update – Capital Budget Programs – September 30, 2019 report, copy attached, Mr. Helmer moves, seconded by Mr. Khan, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
2020-2023 Operating Budget Update | With regard to the 2020-2023 Operating Budget Update report, copy attached, Mr. Khan moves, seconded by Mrs. Park, the report be NOTED and FILED.
YEAS: Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Helmer, Mr. Khan, Mrs. Park and Mr. Squire. CARRIED. |
Date of Next Meeting | The Commission confirmed the date of the next meeting as follows:
Wednesday November 27, 2019 |
Adjournment | Mrs. Park moves, seconded by Mr. Squire, the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.
__ Sheryl Rooth – Chair __________________________________________ Caroline Roy – Secretary |