Staff Report #1
October 27, 2021
To All Commissioners
Re: COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Commissioners
That the Commission:
- APPROVE the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Commissioners as set out in Enclosure I; and
- DIRECT administration to take the necessary steps to implement the Policy
At the September 29, 2021 Commission meeting, the Commission received a report setting out the details of the administrative COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for London Transit employees. The policy requires that all London Transit employees meet one of the following criteria by November 12, 2021:
- Fully vaccinated against COVID-19; or
- Exempt due to a medical reason from a licensed physician as to why they cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19; or
- Exempt due to a non-medical reason protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Employees failing to meet one of the three criteria by November 12, 2021 will result in corrective and/or disciplinary action.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Policy also applies to contractors and consultants working for or on behalf of London Transit. In these cases, contractors/consultants will have until November 12, 2021 to provide an attestation that all employees working on behalf of London Transit (e.g. specialized service contractor), or any employee working for London Transit that will be required to attend an LTC facility (e.g. office cleaning contractor) meet one of the established criteria set out in the policy. Failure to meet the established criteria will result in the removal of contractor/consultant from LTC premises, and/or the cancellation of the contract.
At the September 29, 2021 meeting, the Commission directed Administration to prepare a similar COVID-19 Vaccination Policy applying to members of the Commission for review and consideration at the October meeting.
Enclosure I sets out the draft COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Commissioners, which emulates the requirements for LTC employees, contractors and consultants. Given the manner in which the Commission is appointed, failure to adhere to the policy will result in the Commission member being precluded from participating in in-person meetings with LTC personnel or attending LTC facilities.
Subsequent to the approval of the attached policy, administration will prepare the required documentation for Commission members to complete in compliance with the November 12, 2021 deadline.
I – London Transit COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Commissioners
Recommended by:
Joanne Galloway, Director of Human Resources
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager