To All Commissioners
Re: 2018 Work Program – Planning – First Quarter Update
The report be NOTED and FILED.
The following report is provided as an update on major Planning projects as set out in the 2018 Work Program that are ongoing in nature and/or were scheduled to commence and/or be completed over the first three months of 2018, with the lead on same being the primary responsibility of the Planning Department.
2018 Conventional Service Plan
The 2018 Conventional Service Plan was approved by the Commission at the January 31, 2018 meeting. There are a number of detailed and technical tasks that must be completed prior to implementing the scheduled changes on April 29, 2018 and September 2, 2018 as approved. It is anticipated however that all tasks will be completed in time for the scheduled changes to take effect as planned.
Buses off Dundas
At the March 28, 2018 meeting, the Commission was updated on the early removal of bus service along Dundas on April 9, 2018 to accommodate the My Dundas Place construction.
At time of report writing, there has been limited feedback from the public with regard to the detour. The limited feedback can be attributed to the communication strategy to ensure that passengers were aware of the upcoming changes, as well as the ability to provide advance notice of the detour. Administration is continuing with the public communication campaign to inform passengers of the permanent routing and schedule changes to become effective April 29, 2018 (see Staff Report #9, dated April 25, 2018). Further updates, throughout the spring and summer will be provided to the Commission with regard to the service impact of the construction in the downtown.
Route 400- Fanshawe Getaway Service
In 2016 London Transit, in partnership with Tourism London, Fanshawe Conservation Area and Fanshawe Pioneer Village, re-introduced a summer weekend service to provide transit between Argyle Mall and the Conservation Area/Pioneer Village. In 2017, the route was expanded to also include Masonville Mall.
While the route had modest ridership in each of the two years, 850 and 958 for the season respectively, due to significant construction projects planned in the Conservation area over the next two years, the Pioneer Village, Conservation Area and Tourism London have indicated their desire to have the service suspended during this time. The route will be re-evaluated for possible re-introduction for the summer of 2020.
Shift Initiative
London Transit administration continues to work with civic administration on the Shift Initiative, including participation on the working group. Recent work of the Steering Committee has centered on the development of the Draft Environmental Project Report, which will be presented to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) on April 23, 2018. The report seeks Council’s approval ‘in principal’ for the recommended preliminary engineering design for London’s Bus Rapid Transit Network in order to initiate the formal Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) consultation for the Draft Environmental Project Report.
Travel Safe
The updated Travel Safe program was launched on February 6, 2018 with both an online and shelter poster campaign. The updated program was designed to bring greater attention to the existing programs London Transit has in place to help make passengers and the community safer. While London Transit has had the “Transecure” program for some time, the Voice of the Customer survey indicated that many passengers were not aware of the programs available to assist with safety, both on-board the bus and while at the transit stop. The Travel Safe program to continue to be promoted to ensure passengers are aware of ways LTC assists in keeping our community safe.
The next steps will include the establishment of Customer Focus groups to gather input, specific to feelings of safety while waiting for and riding public transit which will be utilized as input to any enhancements to the Travel Safe program going forward.
Recommended by:
Katie Burns
Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny
General Manager