Staff Report #2
January 27, 2021
To All Commissioners
Re: Commission Work Programs – 2020 (status) and 2021 (draft)
The Commission APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the direction of the Draft 2021 Work Program as set out in Enclosure I.
Enclosure II provides a final status of the 2020 Work Program. A number of items on the program were deferred or delayed in 2020 as the result of the pandemic and related resource issues. As indicated in the enclosure, these programs have been carried forward onto the 2021 Work Program.
The Annual Work Program identifies the major activities/programs that require significant resource commitment and/or are considered critical to the development, growth and/or direction of London Transit as a business. The work program defines timelines and resources (both internal and external) for the various initiatives. The Draft 2021 Work Program is set out in Enclosure I.
The Program is considered a best-case scenario, noting the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact operations and employee resource availability will impact the number of projects on the plan that can be completed. Given the uncertainties associated with the impacts of the pandemic, the report recommendation calls for the approval in principle of the direction of the plan. Based on the experience over the past year operating during the pandemic, it is very likely that the Work Program will be altered as the year progresses. Administration will continue to provide quarterly updates, and will prioritize Work Program items to ensure that all mandatory and high priority items are completed as close to the planned timelines as possible.
The following provides an overview of the new projects being considered for 2021.
2.2 – Alternative Service Delivery Implementation Plan
This initiative calls for a request for proposal to be issued for consulting services to develop an implementation plan for all of the alternative service delivery areas identified in the Commission’s Five-Year Conventional Transit Service Plan.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
3.6 – Zero Emission Bus Implementation Strategy 2020
This initiative follows the Commission direction to undertake the development of an implementation plan for the conversion of the London Transit conventional transit service fleet, including timing, costs and charging infrastructure requirements and related impacts on LTC facilities. The final report is intended to be completed in time for inclusion of 2022 costs in the Commission’s 2022 operating and capital budget submissions.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
6.11 – Establish Criteria for Diane Chenier Trailblazer Award
This initiative follows the Commission direction to establish a new award to be handed out each year as part of the annual recognition ceremony. The intent is for the criteria to be developed in time for the award to be included as part of the 2021 ceremony.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Engaged, Diverse, Respectful Workplace | Low | High |
6.12 – Assessment of New Operator Screening Tool
Late in 2020, the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) advised that the current screening tool that many transit systems, including London rely on to screen applicants for the Operator position was being replaced. Given the need to recruit between 15 and 50 operators per year, it is critical to undertake this assessment in order to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of human resources.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Engaged, Diverse, Respectful Workplace | Moderate | High |
6.13 – Management Compensation Review
This initiative follows the Commission direction to undertake a review of the manner in which management compensation rate increases are applied going forward. The review will be undertaken in cooperation with a third party in an effort to identify best practices and consistency with other similar employers.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Engaged, Diverse, Respectful Workplace | Moderate | High |
7.15 – Review of General Insurance Program
This initiative stems from the significant increases the Commission, and transit industry at large, has experienced over the past two years, with an intent to identify any best practices or options to reduce premiums and/or deductible levels going forward. The Ontario Public Transit Association (OPTA) has agreed to lead this initiative through a working group of several transit systems.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Fiscal Accountability | Moderate | High |
12.12 Kronos Payroll System Upgrade
This initiative is required given the system that is currently in place will no longer be supported post-2021. The Kronos payroll system is utilized for the Fleet and Facilities department payroll.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2021 |
Effectively Utilized Infrastructure | High | High |
II – 2020 Work Program – Final Status
Recommended by:
Mike Gregor, Director of Finance
Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations
Joanne Galloway , Director of Human Resources
Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities
Katie Burns, Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager