AMENDED Staff Report #3 – Re: Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee


Staff Report #3

January 30, 2019

To All Commissioners

Re: Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee


That the Commission GIVE CONSIDERATION to the applications for appointment to the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee, noting such appointments will be for a period of four years, ending November 30, 2022.


In December 2018 an ad was placed in the Londoner seeking applicants for the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee (APTSAC). In addition, the information was posted on the LTC website, all previous members of APTSAC whose term ended November 30, 2018 were provided with applications and requested to encourage others within the community to apply and letters were also forwarded to a number of local organizations. The terms of reference for the Committee (see Enclosure I) calls for the following in regard to voting members and non-voting members:

Voting Members

A maximum of nine (9) members representing the different types of disabilities as referenced in the Ontarians with Disability Act 2001. This includes persons with visual, speech, hearing, brain injury, cognitive, perceptual, mental health disabilities and those requiring the use of wheelchairs and/or other mobility assisted devices.

Non Voting Members

A maximum of four (4) members consisting of agencies supporting the disabled community and service providers.

The approved composition reflects the diverse makeup of the disabled population and is consistent with the redefinition of the specialized transit services. It should be noted that dependant upon the makeup of the Committee, accommodations may be required to ensure that all members can fully participate in the meetings (i.e. reports in alternate formats, ASL interpreters, etc.). Applications, consistent with the Committee’s terms of reference were received from the following members of the public.

Applicants Voting Non-Voting
1 Bonnie Quesnel X
2 Damon Whatmore X
3 Elaine Harrison X
4 Tyler Campbell X
5 Avril Rinn X
6 Denise Capton X
7 Michael Dawthorne X
8 Vicky Pearson X
9 Susan Oster X

If issues regarding LTC services arise that are specific to a disabled population that is not represented on the Committee, input can be sought from either the City of London’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (ACCAC) or an agency representing that disabled population (i.e. CNIB, March of Dimes).

An orientation meeting with the approved applicants will be scheduled during the month of February at which time a Chair and Vice-Chair will be selected, and meeting dates will be established. It is intended that meetings will be held on a regular basis as deemed appropriate, with reports and recommendations forwarded to the Commission.


I – Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

II – APTSAC Applications (for Commissioners only)

Recommended by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager