Staff Report #5 March 28, 2018


To All Commissioners

Re: Recosted 2018 Capital Budget Program


That the Commission APPROVE the recosted 2018 capital budget of $12,341,200 as summarized below noting the recosted budget reflects the previously approved 2018 capital budget program (Staff Report #5, August 30, 2017), updated pricing for 2018 bus replacement/expansion programs and carry forward amounts relating to deferred or active 2017 capital projects.

2018 Recosted Capital Budget

 Source of Investment
Description  Capital Program Reserve  City of London  Federal Gas Tax  Provincial Gas Tax  Total
Stop Upgrades $ 37,000 $ –  $ – $ – $ 37,000
Service Fleet 40,000 40,000
Shop Equipment 200,000 200,000
Software and Hardware 350,000 250,000 600,000
Facility Upgrades 300,000 300,000
Bus Replacements (8) 2,224,800 1,500,000 836,000 4,560,800
Bus Expansion (4) 1,200,200 1,178,200 2,378,400
Fleet Radio Replacement 312,500 312,500 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000
Fare Processing Equipment 747,500 747,500 1,495,000
Smart Card Program 605,000 605,000
$ 627,000 $ 4,785,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 5,429,200 $ 12,341,200


At the August 30, 2017 Commission meeting, the 2018 capital budget program of $7,643,800 was approved. A recosting exercise for both capital and operating budgets occurs at the beginning of the year after all City of London funding is confirmed and takes into consideration pricing updates as well as any prior year projects that have not been completed or deferred to the future. The following table provides a summary by project of the proposed capital budget highlighting the original approved budget, pricing updates and 2017 carry forwards together with identified funding sources.

Summary of 2018 Recosted Capital Budget

Description Original Approved Budget Adjustments 2017 Carry Forward Total
Stop Upgrades  $ 37,000  $ –  $ –  $ 37,000
Service Fleet 40,000 40,000
Shop Equipment 200,000 200,000
Software and Hardware 200,000 400,000 600,000
Facility Upgrades 300,000 300,000
Bus Replacements (8) 4,466,400 94,400 4,560,800
Bus Expansion (4) 2,400,400 (22,000) 2,378,400
Fleet Radio Replacement 625,000 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000
Fare Processing Equipment 1,495,000 1,495,000
Smart Card Program 605,000 605,000
Total  $ 7,643,800  $ 72,400  $ 4,625,000  $12,341,200
Provincial Gas Tax  $ 1,941,800  $ 72,400  $ 3,415,000  $ 5,429,200
Capital Program Reserve 477,000 150,000 627,000
City of London 3,725,000 1,060,000 4,785,000
Federal Gas Tax 1,500,000 1,500,000
Total  $ 7,643,800  $ 72,400  $ 4,625,000  $12,341,200

The capital budget for the 2018 expansion and replacement buses required only a slight recosting increase of $72,400. Pricing updates from New Flyer reflect a 0.5% increase over 2017 prices for 40’ buses and has a recosting impact of $24,000 or $2,000 per bus. Costs budgeted for ancillary equipment were also increased by $48,400 to reflect enhanced requirements as the bus becomes more complex. The following table summarizes the unit price comparison and resulting increases.

Unit Price Comparison

Bus Budgeted 2017 2018 Price
Size Buses Price Price Price Increase
40′ 12  $ 543,800  $ 543,000  $ 545,800  $ 2,000

Set out in Enclosure I is the Capital Program Summary for the twelve months ending December 31, 2017. As indicated in the Enclosure, a number of the projects planned for and included in the 2017 capital budget program were not completed in 2017 or have been deferred to future years. Given funds have been approved; the outstanding amounts are carried forward to 2018 where necessary. The following table summarizes the 2017 capital expenditures for outstanding projects and the corresponding carry forward amounts, including funding source, for inclusion in the 2018 Capital Program.

Summary of 2017 Carry Forward Capital Projects

2017 2017 2017
Description Actual Budget Variance Carry Forward
Software and hardware  $ 718,771  $ 1,115,000  $ 396,229  $ 400,000
Fleet radio replacement 625,000 625,000 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Smart card program 264,944 870,000 605,056 605,000
Fare processing equipment 1,495,000 1,495,000 1,495,000
 $ 983,715  $ 5,605,000  $ 4,621,285  $ 4,625,000
Provincial Gas Tax  $ 906,429  $ 3,955,000  $ 3,048,571  $ 3,415,000
Capital Program Reserve 77,286 590,000 512,714 150,000
City of London 1,060,000 1,060,000 1,060,000
Total  $ 983,715  $ 5,605,000  $ 4,621,285  $ 4,625,000

The current recommendation has the recosted increases funded by the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve and the carry forwards funded by the original funding sources identified in 2017.

The Commission will be provided with regular updates on the status of the programs included in the 2018 capital budget.


I – 2017 Capital Program Summary

Recommended by:

Mike Gregor – Director of Finance

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny – General Manager

Enclosure I – 2017 Capital Program Summary – Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2017

 Description  Capital Program Reserve  City of London  Prov Ont Gas Tax Prog  Total
Stop Upgrades
Actual to-date $ 14,753 $ – $ – $ 14,753
Budget 125,000 702,000 827,000
Variance 110,247 702,000 812,247 1
Service Fleet
Actual to-date 37,314 37,314
Budget 40,000 40,000
Variance 2,686 2,686
Shop Equipment
Actual to-date 167,653 167,653
Budget 200,000 200,000
Variance 32,347 32,347
Software and Hardware
Actual to-date 77,286 641,485 718,771
Budget 590,000 525,000 1,115,000
Variance 512,714 (116,485) 396,229 2
Facility Upgrades
Actual to-date 300,000 187,390 487,390
Budget 300,000 200,000 500,000
Variance 12,610 12,610
Bus Replacements (14)
Actual to-date 6,107,300 2,140,262 8,247,562
Budget 5,792,000 2,433,300 8,225,300
Variance  (315,300) 293,038 (22,262)
Bus Expansion (4)
Actual to-date 1,100,400 1,248,084 2,348,484
Budget 1,100,400 1,254,800 2,355,200
Variance 6,716 6,716
Fleet Radio Replacement
Actual to-date
Budget 312,500 312,500 625,000
Variance 312,500 312,500 625,000 3
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy
Actual to-date
Budget  ,500,000 1,500,000
Variance 1,500,000 1,500,000 3
Fare Processing Equipment
Actual to-date
Budget 747,500 747,500 1,495,000
Variance 747,500 747,500 1,495,000 3
Smart Card Program
Actual to-date 264,944 264,944
Budget 870,000 870,000
Variance 605,056 605,056 2
Total program
Actual to-date 297,006 7,507,700 4,482,164 12,286,870
Budget 955,000 8,252,400 8,545,100 17,752,500
Variance $ 657,994 $ 744,700 $ 4,062,936 $ 5,465,630


  • Shelter replacement program to be reported with PTIF funded projects. 2017 shelter program completed
  • Programs not completed. Amount to be carried forward to 2018
  • Programs deferred, amount to be carry forward to 2018