Staff Report #6
October 28, 2020
To All Commissioners
Re: Rapid Transit Implementation Update
That the report be NOTED and FILED.
At the October 20, 2020 meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee of Council, the Committee voted to dissolve the Rapid Transit Implementation Working Group, on the recommendation of the City Clerk and City Engineer, based on their determination that the group had completed its mandate. This decision will be voted on for final approval at the Municipal Council meeting of October 27, 2020. The mandate of the Working Group is set out in the Terms of Reference, an excerpt from same is set out below.
“The Working Group shall:
- Participate, as appropriate, in broader community engagement at key points throughout the design and construction phases of the rapid transit implementation process.
- Serve as a liaison point between the London Transit Commission and the Municipal Council on matters respecting the implementation of London’s rapid transit initiative
- Review and provide input to the Municipal Council, through the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee, with respect to the implementation of London’s rapid transit initiative.”
Given the Commission’s participation on this working group provided the opportunity to receive updates with respect to the progress of implementation, administration had not been including reports with respect to progress on the Commission’s monthly agendas. Going forward, update reports will be included on the Commission agendas as appropriate. Any concerns the Commission may have with respect to the rapid transit implementation that need to be brought to the attention of Municipal Council will need to follow existing protocols, with the Commission requesting delegation status at a Civic Works Committee meeting.
With respect to the downtown loop project, which is the first component of the approved rapid transit projects to be underway, London Transit administration continues to work with the City of London and the AECOM/Dillon on the design concepts for the rapid transit network. Currently the downtown loop is nearing completion of the 90% detailed design for King Street. With respect to the station design and operation there are still a number of details to be assessed and confirmed including:
- Accessibility features to ensure ease of boarding for all passengers
- Materials to be used for the shelters at the stations
- How public art will be incorporated into the station/shelter design and;
- Location and size of the variable messaging signs to provide real-time information to passengers
On October 28, all of the latest materials and information on the Downtown Loop project will be made available on the City’s Get Involved website ( The website has features and tools which allow visitors to get timely responses to any questions or concerns they may have. London Transit administration will continue to work with the City of London and the consultants on the above noted aspects of the station design and provide updates to the Commission as required.
Recommended by:
Katie Burns, Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager