Staff Report #7 – Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – May 31, 2023

Staff Report #7

June 28, 2023

To All Commissioners

Re: Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – May 31, 2023


That the report be NOTED and FILED.


Set out in the table below is the Statement of Operations for Specialized Transit Services for the five-month period ending May 31, 2023. The statement sets out actual to budget performance for the period.

London Transit Commission Statement of Operations – Specialized Transit Services Five Months Ending May 31, 2023 (000’s omitted)

Description  Actual  Budget Amount Better (Worse) Percent Better (Worse)
Transportation $ 190.4 $ 215.1 $ (24.7)  (11.5)%
Province-provincial gas tax 752.3 752.3 0.0 %
City of London 3,448.6 3,448.6 0.0 %
Total revenue 4,391.3 4,416.0 (24.7)  (0.6)%
Personnel cost 513.0 538.1 25.1  4.7 %
Contract service cost 3,474.9 3,805.3 330.4 8.7 %
All other material expense 73.0 72.6 (0.4) (0.5)%
Total expenditure 4,060.8 4,416.0 355.2  8.0 %
Net favourable/(unfavourable) $ 330.5  $ – $ 330.5  7.5 %

As indicated in the above table, the service has a net favourable operating budget performance to date of 7.5% or $330,500. An explanation of the variances is set out below.

Net Operating Costs

  • unfavourable transportation revenue of $24,700 due to lower ridership than planned;
  • favourable personnel costs of $25,100 due to timing of vacancies and less than anticipated overtime; and
  • favourable contract service costs of $330,400 due to lower than budgeted service hours utilized.


The following table sets out actual to budget ridership and other performance related measures as well as a comparison to the same period in the previous year.

Ridership and Other Statistics Actual vs. Budget Five Months Ending May 31, 2023 (000’s omitted)

Description Actual Budget Variance % Variance 2022 Actual % Variance
Eligible passenger trips 93,061 99,400 (6,339) (6.4)% 80,779 15.2 %
Attendant/companion trips 6,407 11,400 (4,993) (43.8)% 4,826 32.8 %
Total Trips 99,468 110,800 (11,332) (10.2)% 85,605 16.2 %
Average fare  $ 1.914 $ 1.941  $ (0.027) (1.4) %  $ 1.951  (1.9)%
Service Hours 50,508 55,318 (4,811) (8.7) % 51,107 (1.2)%
EPT per service hour 1.84 1.80 0.05  2.5 % 1.58 16.6 %
Total trips per service hour 1.97 2.00 (0.03) (1.7)% 1.68 17.6 %

Administration will continue to monitor the operating budget performance reporting on same on a monthly basis including providing recommendations as may be appropriate.

Recommended by:

Mike Gregor, Director of Finance

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager