Staff Report #7 – Recosted 2020 Capital Budget Program

Staff Report #7

April 29, 2020

To All Commissioners

Re: Recosted 2020 Capital Budget Program


That the Commission APPROVE the recosted 2020 capital budget of $17,686,500 as summarized below noting the recosted budget reflects the previously approved 2020 capital budget program, Operator Safety Barrier program funding update, deferral of 2020 expansion buses, and carry forward amounts relating to deferred or active 2020 capital projects.

2020 Recosted Capital Budget

Description  Source of Investment  Total
 Capital Program Reserve  City of London Federal and Provincial (ICIP)  Provincial Gas Tax
Stop Upgrades  $ 240,700  $ –  $ –  $ –  $ 240,700
Service Fleet 130,000 130,000
Shop Equipment 236,200 236,200
Software and Hardware 490,000 210,000 700,000
Facility Upgrades 560,600  – 560,600
Bus Replacements (16) 6,867,700 2,620,300 9,488,000
Bus Expansion (4)
Bus Stop Amenities 146,700 403,300 550,000
Operator Barriers 200,000 1,268,900 1,468,900
Fleet Radio Replacement 312,500 312,500 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000
Fare Processing Equipment 747,500  – 1,114,600 1,862,100
Smart Card Program 325,000 325,000
$1,296,900 $8,635,000 $ 403,300 $7,351,300 $17,686,500


At the August 28, 2019 Commission meeting, the 2020 capital budget program of $16,360,300 was approved. A recosting exercise for both capital and operating budgets occurs at the beginning of the year after all City of London funding is confirmed and takes into consideration pricing updates, program changes as well as any prior year projects that have not been completed or deferred to the future. The following table provides a summary by project of the proposed updated capital budget highlighting the original approved budget, updated funding sources, deferral of programs as well as 2019 projects to be carry forwarded.

Summary of 2020 Recosted Capital Budget

Description Original Approved Budget Funding Updates Program Updates 2020 Carry Forward Total
Stop Upgrades  $ 440,700  $ 200,000 $ – $ –  $ 240,700
Service Fleet 130,000  130,000
Shop Equipment 200,000 36,200 236,200
Software and Hardware 200,000 500,000 700,000
Facility Upgrades 500,000 60,600 560,600
Bus Replacement (16) 9,488,000 9,488,000
Bus Expansion (4) 3,251,600 (3,251,600)
Bus Stop Amenities 550,000 550,000
Operator Barriers 1,100,000 368,900 1,468,900
Fleet Radio Replacement 625,000 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy  1,500,000 1,500,000
Fare Processing Equipment 500,000 (132,900)  1,495,000 1,862,100
Smart Card Program 325,000 325,000
Total $ 16,360,300  $ 36,000  $(3,251,600) $ 4,541,800  $17,686,500
Provincial Gas Tax  $ 3,120,300 $ 1,136,000 $ – $ 3,095,000  $ 7,351,300
Capital Program Reserve 970,700 326,200 1,296,900
City of London 8.382,600 (868,200) 1,126,600 8,635,000
Federal and Provincial (ICIP) 2,786,700 (2,383,400) 403,300
Unfunded 1,100,000 (1,100,000)
Total  $16,360,300 $ 36,000 $ (3,251,600) $ 4,541,800  $17,686.500

Funding Updates

The 2020 Capital Budget program included a placeholder amount of $1,100,000 with no source of funding identified for the Operator Safety Barrier program. The budget amount was based on a previously provided estimate. Administration has undertaken an assessment in an effort to identify potential sources of funding for this initiative. An alternative source was presented to the Commission (Staff Report #1, Operator Safety Barrier program, dated April 17, 2020) and was subsequently approved. The table below sets out the available sources of funding that were approved, noting additional funding may become available from either the Provincial or Federal governments that will affect the current sources of funding identified to cover the current projected operating deficit.

Capital Project Revision Required Revised Budget
170 Operator Barriers $1,108,900
Estimated Remaining Barriers 360,000
Fare Processing Equipment $(132,900)
Stop Upgrade Program (200,000)
2021 Bus Replacement Program (2 buses) (1,136,000)
Funding Source:
Provincial Gas Tax $ 200,000
Capital Program Reserve 1,268,900

The proposed reduction to the fare processing equipment program can be accommodated given this is a placeholder amount at this time. The reduction in the stop upgrade program is directly tied to the deferral of the 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan and the ability to defer the removal/move of shelters and bus stops relating to the Plan. The reduction of two buses from the 2021 bus replacement program will only slightly impact the average fleet age, and is not anticipated to create any significant issues going forward.

Program Updates

Included in the original approved capital budget program was the Bus Expansion project. The required number of expansion buses is based on the service growth planned and is laid out in the Commission’s Five Year Service Plan Framework, covering the period of 2020-2024. To accommodate this level of service growth, four expansion buses were budgeted. As noted in the Recosted 2020 Operating Budget Program (Staff Report #6, April 29, 2020), given the current COVID-19 outbreak, recommendations for service improvements planned in 2020 are recommended for deferral to 2021. As such, the Bus Expansion project should also be deferred. The original budget for the purchases of four buses plus ancillary equipment was $$3,251,600 with following table setting out the funding source as approved within Phase II of the Public Transit Infrastructure funding. Funding will also be deferred until 2021.

2020 Original Budget Percentage
Federal ICIP project funding  $1,300,600 40.0%
Provincial ICIP project funding 1,082,800 33.3%
City of London 868,200 26.7%
 $3,251,600 100.0%

2019 Actual Results and Projects Carry Forwarded to 2020

Set out in Enclosure I is the Capital Program Summary for the twelve months ending December 31, 2019. As indicated in the Enclosure, a number of the projects planned for and included in the 2019 capital budget program were not completed in 2019 or have been deferred to future years. Given funds have been approved for the projects, the outstanding amounts are carried forward to 2020 where necessary. The following table summarizes the 2019 capital expenditures for outstanding projects and the corresponding carry forward amounts, including the same funding source, for inclusion in the 2020 Capital Program.

Summary of 2019 Carry Forward Capital Projects

Description 2019




Variance 2019

Carry Forward

Software and hardware  $ 93,672  $ 600,000  $ 506,328  $ 500,000
Fleet radio replacement 625,000 625,000 625,000
TMP 2030 – BRT strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Smart card program 162,816 500,000 337,184 325,000
Shop and garage equipment 163,717 200,000 36,283 36,200
Facility upgrade program 439,431 500,000 60,659 60,600
Fare processing equipment 1,495,000 1,495,000 1,495,000
 $ 859,636  $ 5,420,000  $ 4,560,364  $ 4,541,800
Provincial Gas Tax  $ 162,816  $ 3,270,000  $ 3,107,184  $ 3,095,000
Capital Program Reserve 257,389 590,000 332,611 326,200
City of London 439,431 1,560,000 1,120,569 1,120,600
Total  $ 850,636  $ 5,420,000  $ 4,560,364  $ 4,541,800

The Commission will be provided with regular updates on the status of the programs included in 2020 capital budget.


I – 2019 Capital Program Summary

Recommended by:

Mike Gregor, Director of Finance

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager

2019 Capital Program Summary

2019 Capital Program Summary – Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2019

Description  Actual  Budget  Amount Under (Over Budget) Notes
Stop Upgrades  $199,096 $ 37,000  $ (162,096) 1
Service Fleet 37,795 40,000 2,205 2
Shop Equipment 163,717 200,000 36,283 3
Software and Hardware 93,672 600,000 506,328 3
Facility Upgrades 439,431 500,000 60,569 3
Bus Replacement (8) 4,809,573 4,748,000 (61,573) 4
Bus Expansion (1) 636,670 623,500 (13,170) 4
Fleet Radio Replacement 625,000 625,000 5
TMP 2030 – BRT Strategy 1,500,000 1,500,000 5
Fare Processing Equipment 1,495,000 1,495,000 5
Smart Card Program 162,816 500,000 337,184 3
Total  $6,542,770  $10,868,500  $4,325,730
Provincial Gas Tax 1,584,259 4,616,600  $3,032,341
Capital Program Reserve 494,280 667,000 172,720
City of London 2,964,231 4,084,900 1,120,669
Federal Gas Tax 1,500,000 1,500,000
Total  $6,542,770  $10,868,500  $4,325,730


  1. Program completed, over budget, due to additional cement pads required for significant service changes in 2019,
  2. Program completed with no carry forward to 2020.
  3. Program not completed. Amount to be carried forward to 2020.
  4. Program completed, slightly over budget due to additional costs relating to the bus purchase price and ancillary equipment.
  5. Program deferred, amount to be carry forwarded to 2020.