Staff Report #9 – Re: 2019 Commission Work Program

Staff Report #9

March 27, 2019

To All Commissioners

Re: 2019 Commission Work Program


The Commission APPROVE the 2019 Work Program as set out in Enclosure I.


A draft 2019 Work Program was approved in principle at the February 27, 2019 meeting. The work program identifies the major activities/programs that require significant resource commitment and/or are considered critical to the development, growth and/or direction of London Transit as a business. The work program defines timelines and resources (both internal and external) for the various initiatives. Set out in Enclosure I is the 2019 Work Program. Staff Reports #1 through #3 dated February 27, 2019 all had the potential to significantly impact the 2019 work program, and have been incorporated appropriately, both in the Final 2019 Work Program as well as into the 2019-2022 Business Plan.

The following provides an overview of a number of projects, either deferred from the 2018 Work Program, or new initiatives which are being recommended for inclusion on the 2019 Work Program. When determining the final 2019 Work Program, consideration was given to the following:

  • the number of critical initiatives on the Work Program
  • that a number of the initiatives are transformational in nature requiring the assignment of significant resources
  • continued staff development and transition given ongoing organizational changes

Each of the project descriptions includes administration’s assessment of the level of LTC resources required to complete the project as well as the priority for the 2019 Work Program.

Projects Deferred from 2018 Work Program

The following projects were included on the 2018 Work Program and were not undertaken given competing resource issues or conflicts and scheduling issues with other projects.

Identification of Stops – Visually Impaired

While not a specific regulatory requirement, LTC has, and continues to receive customer contacts with respect to making LTC bus stops more identifiable to customers with vision impairments. Given that LTC bus stop signs are located on their own post, or on other existing infrastructure, it can be difficult for a customer with a visual impairment to know if they are standing at an LTC bus stop. A preliminary review of transit system solutions in place revealed that none had proved particularly effective for various reasons and as such none were recommended for consideration. This project was included on the 2018 Work Program with an implementation date to be determined given the review of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Transportation Standards was underway and it was determined this project be held in abeyance until such time as the recommended changes to the Transportation Standards were finalized, which were to occur in late 2017. The final amendments to the Transportation Standards are now not anticipated to be adopted until sometime in 2019.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Integrated, Affordable Mobility Minimal – outsourced High

Assessment of Live Streaming Commission Meetings

This project involves assessing and putting in place the appropriate infrastructure to allow for the live streaming of Commission meetings. The project was deferred from the 2018 Work Program given competing priorities for the staff resources required.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Open, Transparent & Understood Medium Medium

Rapid Transit Branding

The branding of London’s future Rapid Transit system has been included on the Commission’s Capital Budget Program as a placeholder for a number of years, dependent upon the progression of the Environmental Assessment (Shift). This initiative, and the ultimate results, will provide the opportunity to begin a communication strategy around the actual rapid transit system vs. continuing to rely on the Shift brand, which is tied to the EA process. While LTC administration will take the lead on this initiative, civic administration will participate.

The scheduling of this initiative will be contingent on Municipal Council’s decision with respect to moving forward with the Bus Rapid Transit project, and the manner in which any further work is undertaken.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Open, Transparent & Understood Moderate – outsourced TBD

Process Review – Organizational Impacts of Smart Card Implementation – the introduction of stored value in 2019 will result in impacts to a number of roles in the Treasury department, noting at some point in the future, tickets will no longer be utilized. The introduction of the children’s fobs as well as the subsidized Income-Related transit pass and the roll-out of Point of Sale (POS) machines to other locations will also have impacts, noting more ridership has moved to the smart card environment. This review will consider the necessary realignment of duties in the department to ensure the appropriate resources are being applied to each of the new tasks associated with the eventual move to a full smart card system.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Fiscal Accountability Moderate High

Projects Carried Forward from 2018 Work Program

The following projects were included on the 2018 Work Program and fit into two categories, projects that were initiated but not completed, and projects that are part of a multi-year plan with numerous elements.

Implementation of Process Review Recommendations – Standardization Kilometer Tracking & Reporting System

The goal of this process review was to identify any issues associated with the move to rely on the Automative Vehicle Location (AVL) data vs. the traditional Hubo readings for bus mileage tracking, including the impacts on various departments in terms of resource requirements (Hubo readings currently completed manually as part of the fuelling process each night) and the potential impacts on preventative maintenance programs should the two systems provide slightly different numbers.

The review was completed in 2016 with a finding that in order to proceed in a manner that would ensure consistent reporting and align with the preventative maintenance program, a system enhancement would be required for the asset management system utilized in Fleet and Facilities. In addition, an upgrade to the AVLC system was required to streamline the process for downloading the data. The upgrade in 2018 took significantly longer than planned, and as such, this project was carried forward for implementation in 2019.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Fiscal Accountability Minimal – subsequent to system upgrade Medium

Mental Health Strategy Initiatives

The Mental Health Strategy was introduced in 2017, and is one that will span a number of years. In 2018, Human Resources and the LTC Wellness Committee, with assistance of external resources, developed a custom training program on the topic of “Mental Health Resiliency” (i.e. tips and strategies to manage mental health) tailored to address issues consistent with those experienced by the London Transit employee group. As done so in the past, this transit-specific approach will aid in the transfer of knowledge from the classroom to on-the-job situations. The curriculum focuses on the following:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing introduction, “the continuum of mental health”
  • Self-awareness /understanding your mental health/self-assessment of level of mental health
  • Recognizing stressors
  • Resiliency
  • Who do you call when it’s not OK

In addition, the training includes video-embedded portions, addressing mental health issues trending with London Transit employee groups and how best to deal with same. This training module will be rolled out in 2019.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Engaged, Diverse & Respectful Workplace Moderate High

New Projects

The initiatives included in this section represent new projects that are being recommended for inclusion in the 2019 Work Program.

Ridership Growth Strategy Initiatives

As set out in Staff Report #3, dated February 27, 2019, a number of initiatives in the Ridership Growth Strategy are anticipated to be considered for further assessment and/or implementation in 2019.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Integrated, Affordable Mobility Moderate High

Five Year Service Plan – Conventional Service

As set out in Staff Report #2, dated February 27, 2019, a number of initiatives in the Five Year Service Plan for Conventional Service are anticipated to be considered for future annual service plans.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Integrated, Affordable Mobility Moderate High

Contract Negotiations

The current collective agreement with the ATU Local 741 is set to expire on March 31, 2019. Consistent with past practice, negotiations between the parties commence in advance of the current contract expiration and can span a period of several months.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Fiscal Accountability High High

Process Review of Night Shift Operations

The review is intended to assess the various tasks completed on the night shift in the Fleet and Facilities department relating to the preparation and maintenance of buses for next service day.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Integrated, Affordable Mobility Moderate High

Mutual Respect in the Workplace Review

A working group will be established to review concerns from LTC employees regarding respect in the workplace relating to interactions with the public. The group will be tasked with identifying issues and trends, and recommending programs or policies with the intent to mitigate negative interactions going forward.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Engaged, Diverse & Respectful Workplace Moderate High

Process Review of Operator Recruitment

Over the past several years, LTC’s annual Operator recruitment needs have grown by approximately 30%, equating to upwards of 40 new employees per year; this is attributable to attrition and growth in service. It is essential that LTC continue to maintain a generous pool of qualified applicants to select from. Human Resources and Operations will complete a review of the current job requirements, hiring process and training to ensure this pool of qualified applicants continues to meet the organization’s needs.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2019
Engaged, Diverse & Respectful Workplace Moderate High


Projects Recommended for Consideration on the 2020 Work Program

The following projects were included for consideration in the Draft 2019 Work Program and have since been recommended for consideration on the 2020 Work Program primarily due to competing resource requirements in 2019.

Strategic Assessment of Facility Needs and Path Forward

As set out in Staff Report #1, dated February 27, 2019, moving forward on the recommended path has the potential to introduce initiatives requiring significant resources to the 2019 Work Program.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2020
Effectively Utilized Infrastructure Moderate TBD

Process Review – Time TrackerThe customized software utilized for Operator payroll has been in use for four years and over the period, a number of adjustments with respect to staff responsibilities for various aspects of the system have been made. This process review will revisit the program and supporting processes to ensure the appropriate resources are being applied to the appropriate tasks.

Strategic Outcome LTC Resource Requirements Priority for 2020
Fiscal Accountability Moderate High



I – 2019 Work Program

Recommended by:

Mike Gregor, Director of Finance

Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations

Joanne Galloway, Director of Human Resources

Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities

Katie Burns, Director of Planning

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager