Route 9, 31 Changes – Whitehills/Orchard Park

Current Routing

Proposed Routing

The routing for Route 9 is proposed to be modified to serve the intersection of Wonderland and Fanshawe Park and to remove service from Aldersbrook Rd. Route 31 would replace Route 9 service on Aldersbrook and Sarnia west of Wonderland. Route 9 would replace Route 31 service, while servicing the Fanshawe & Wonderland intersection.

Both Route 9 and 31 would have an overall frequency increase as a result of either change. Frequency of service would increase in most areas, with an exception being Blackacres Blvd, which would have a reduction. Route 31’s operating hours would be extended later.

Development near the Whitehills area has changed dramatically in recent years with increased residential to the west and residential and commercial to the north. The current routing of Route 9 and 31 over-service some areas, such as Blackacres, while not providing service to key nodes such as the intersection of Wonderland & Fanshawe Park Road. Additionally, the current 9A/ 9B loop adds confusion and reduces the usefulness of the frequency depending on where passengers are travelling.

The routing modifications in the area to Route 9 and 31 provide more direct service for Route 31, direct service from the Wonderland and Fanshawe Park intersection to the Wonderland and Sarnia intersection, and better align service to ridership demand.

Finally, Route 9 will no longer be interlined with Route 6 in the evenings and will operate to downtown during all time periods.

The current interline with Route 19 and 31 is also proposed to be separated as Route 19 has a much more commuter-dominated ridership comparted to Route 31’s student ridership. The interline of Route 31 and 32 would remain as they have similar ridership peaks and will warrant service changes at a more similar rate rather than with Route 19. Route 19 would be interlined with Routes 38 and 39. (More details here)

Frequency – Route 9

Weekday Time Period Early AM AM Peak Base PM Peak Early Evening Late Evening
Proposed Headway 17 16 15 15 22 32
Existing Headway 15 15 15 15 30 30
Saturday Time Period Early AM Base AM Peak PM Peak Early Evening Late Evening
Proposed Headway 60 32 23 25 32 30
Existing Headway 60 30 30 30 30 30
Sunday Time Period Early AM Base Peak Evening
Proposed Headway 60 33 23 30
Existing Headway 60 30 30 30

Frequency – Route 31/32

Weekday Time Period Early AM AM Peak Base PM Peak Early Evening Late Evening
Proposed Headway 40 30 30 25 (30) 45 40
Existing Headway 30 30 30 30 60 60
Saturday Time Period Early AM Base Peak Early Evening Late Evening
Proposed Headway 40 40 30 40 40
Existing Headway 35 30 30 60 60
Sunday Time Period Early AM Base Peak Evening
Proposed Headway 40 45 40
Existing Headway 60 60