Staff Report #5 – Information Technology Update

Staff Report #5

June 18, 2018

To All Members of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee

Re: Information Technology Update


That the report be NOTED and FILED


The following report is provided as an update on major IT projects.

AVLC Update Project – Conventional Transit

Administration is continuing to address issues that have been identified during the roll-out of the updated software both on the back end as well as the customer-facing aspects. One of the more significant outstanding items is the automated email alerts are still not functioning as expected. Customers who have signed up for a scheduled alert (i.e. arrival times for buses at a specific stop at 4pm each day) are receiving emails; however those that have signed up for generic updates about a specific route (detours, service delays, etc.) are not receiving emails.

The real-time information, both through Infoweb, as well as the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, continue to experience intermittent issues with data reliability. Administration is continuing to work with the vendor in an effort to address the remaining outstanding issues to ensure reliable information is being provided to customers.

The provision of a Google real-time data feed is also proceeding, noting the vendor has provided a scope of work and implementation plan that is acceptable to LTC. Formal sign-off has occurred and work is currently under way with a target completion date of mid-July.

Specialized Software Update Project

Material outlining the new features available to customers of the specialized service has been mailed to all registrants of the service. In addition, posters have been placed on all specialized vehicles outlining the new features, a summary of which is set out below.

Reviewing and/or Cancelling Trips

In addition to the option of calling a booking agent to check on bookings or cancel a trip, the new Routematch system now offers customers additional ways in which to complete these tasks:

  • Amble App – works on mobile devices, allowing registrants to review booked trips information as well as cancel booked trips
  • Via the Internet – works on any device connected to the internet, allowing registrants to review booked trip information as well as cancel booked trips
  • Automated Phone System – works via telephone, allowing registrants to review booked trip information as well as cancel booked trips

In addition to the new features listed above, a trip notification feature is also now available to specialized service registrants. This feature will provide registrants the ability to receive a notification call 45 minutes prior to their scheduled pick up time, reminding them of their upcoming trip.

This service is available to any specialized registrant who wants it through an “opt-in” process. Registrants need to simply advise a booking agent of their desire for notifications and the number that should be called.


I – Pamphlet on New Features

II – Poster on Specialized Vehicles

Recommended by:

Patrick Cormier, Manager of Information Services

Christopher Murphy, Supervisor, LCTB

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager