Staff Report #5 – Re: Voice of the Customer Update

Staff Report #5

November 28, 2018

To All Commissioners

Re: Voice of the Customer Update


The report be NOTED and FILED.


As reported in Staff Report #7, dated October 31, 2018, the annual Voice of the Customer program for conventional transit is being expanded this year to include a separate survey for the customers of the specialized transit service.

The October report indicated that the surveys would be undertaken in late November; however due to scheduling difficulties with TransPro, who undertake the surveys on behalf of the Commission, the survey period has had to be adjusted to begin January 14, 2019. TransPro representatives did indicate they could do the survey in mid to late December, however given this period does not provide a good reflection of all ridership demographics, it was determined that the move to the week of January 14, 2019 would be more consistent with the previous survey periods, providing for better comparative analysis between survey waves.

The surveys for the conventional service will continue to be undertaken on board transit buses, covering all routes and all service periods in an effort to ensure the results are reflective of the entire ridership demographic.

Based on recommendations from TransPro, it has been decided that the surveys of specialized customers will be conducted via telephone, providing for a better opportunity to allow participation given the limited access that would be available on specialized vehicles.

Given this new timeframe, the report to the Commission with respect to results of the surveys will be moved from January to March of 2019.

Recommended by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager