Staff Report #4
August 30, 2023
To All Commissioners
Re: Specialized Service Contract Addendum
That the Commission CONFIRM the addendum to the Specialized Service contract allowing for the procurement of a vehicle not specified in the initial contract.
As discussed in previous reports, the contractor for the Specialized Service has experienced significant delays in the delivery of vehicles as specified in the current contract which has negatively impacted the ability to increase service levels to match budget.
Administration has worked in cooperation with the contractor to identify an alternative vehicle with a two to three month delivery timeframe. The current contract identifies the specific size and configuration of allowable vehicles, and given the new vehicle is not consistent with the contracted requirements, administration sought Commission approval via email on July 20, 2023 for a contract addendum to include the new vehicle. The addendum was completed the same day and the vehicles have been ordered. Administration will provide updates as appropriate with respect to the anticipated in-service dates for the new vehicles.
A summary overview of the new vehicle is set out in Enclosure I or can be found on the manufacturer’s website (see side entry option). The new vehicle is smaller than the vehicle currently in use with a capacity for two mobility aid spaces and seven ambulatory seats. The other significant difference is the use of a ramp versus a lift for accessible access into the vehicle.
The introduction of these additional vehicles, coupled with the receipt and implementation of the four original vehicles will provide a fleet of 49 vehicles in total which will be adequate to implement all budgeted service hours based on 2023 service levels.
The addition of this new vehicle type later this year will provide for an assessment period prior to additional vehicles being procured to provide the growth service hours approved as part of the 2024 budget.
I – Move Mobility P5 Promaster Specification Sheet
Recommended by:
Brandon Goldstone, Manager of Service Integration
Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager